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После регистрации на сайте вам будет доступно отслеживание состояния заказов, личный кабинет и другие новые возможности
После регистрации на сайте вам будет доступно отслеживание состояния заказов, личный кабинет и другие новые возможности

Проблема в стеке коммутаторов Extreme Networks Hash collision, Hash collision, появляется в логе и стек может разрушаться, коллизия в таблице мак адресов
Переодически получаем ошибку вида:

На экстрим коммутаторах Extreme X440-48t (Стэк из 7 коммутаторов)

Что вызывает иногда "отвал" или отваливание одного двух коммутаторов из стека

Временно лечится либо простой перезагрузкой отвалившегося свича

reboot slot # (номер слота)

Такое сообщение видим в логе:

show log
<Info:Kern.IPv4Adj.Info> Slot-1: vrId    2 adj 0xAC10320E Unknown host found scanning hash collisions.

Проблема судя по базе знаний известная и на сайте экстрима есть такое:
Hash functions are primarily used in the hash tables to quickly locate MAC addresses, the hash function is used to map the search key to an index; the index gives the place in the hash table where the corresponding MAC addresses should be stored.

Typically, the domain of a hash function (the set of possible keys) is larger than its range (the number of different table indices), and so it will map several different keys to the same index. Therefore, each slot of a hash table is associated with (implicitly or explicitly) a set of MAC addresses, rather than a single MAC addresses. For this reason, each slot of a hash table is often called a bucket, and hash values are also called bucket indices.

Hashing algorithm determines what bucket a MAC address should be programmed. Each bucket in hardware can only hold only 8 entries. Hash collisions occur when the Algorithm chooses to add a MAC address in a bucket which has 8 entries already. Hash collisions can be considered table full as the bucket that the MAC is going to be programed to is full. This is an expected behavior.

Depending on some other settings two things can happen.
- The system will replace a random entry, this is the normal operation.
- The new entry will be forwarded in software, this last option is used when all existing entries belong to L2/L3 protocols.

The issue we have here is that the pseudo-random host chosen was not the same on every slot in a chassis or stack, so this could show differences among the slots, which caused confusion to the system, hence the messages.
The impact is that traffic for specific hosts can be also moved to software forwarding if their entry is deleted in one slot and not in another.
В качестве решния предлагается поставить патчи для вашей версии XoS

This behavior corrected in CR# xos0066950, xos0068023

xos0068023 Patch in following releases:

xos0066950 Patched in following releases:
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